New thinking on hiring the best employees for your company encourages looking at more than just the experience detailed on a resume. Not only do your employees have to be skilled and experienced, they have to be committed to your company values and be adaptable enough to fit in with the rest of your team.
When interviewing potential new hires, you can use the seven C’s to really get a sense for how a person will perform in your company.
Skills are always the first consideration. Does this candidate have the skills necessary to do the job—or could they attain all the skill necessary easily, and in a short period of time?
Will this candidate be able to handle issues that go beyond the stated job description? Can you trust that they’ll be able to effectively manage unforeseen challenges that are bound to pop up as time passes? Will they be able to draw on creative thinking in order to initiate solutions from a fresh perspective? In other words, will this employee have growth potential?
Will this candidate be a team player and be able to get along with partners, clients, and colleagues? Can you anticipate a time when you may have to shield this candidate from other team members or mediate on behalf of clients or colleagues? Do you think this potential team member will be able to take direction from superiors without an irrational or emotional response?
Does this candidate have similar values to yours and those of the company? Can you see that they are honest, trustworthy, and loyal?
Will this employee not only embrace company culture but also actively promote it? Can you count on this person to reflect company values when working on interoffice teams as well as during client meetings? Can you trust that they won’t be disruptive to a harmonious environment?
Does the candidate agree to a fair, market-based compensation package? While negotiation is to be expected, if you sense resentment on their part about the offer now, it’s unlikely that those feelings will improve over time.
You can get a sense of these aspects of a person’s personality during the interview and when you discuss the potential hire with references, subordinates from previous jobs, and former employers.
Give us a call if you’re looking to fill a position in technology, banking, or finance and accounting. Our team is here to help you find the perfect employees for your company.