Compromising or Maximizing: Where are you in your career? - RJ Byrd

Compromising or Maximizing: Where are you in your career?

Some people exude confidence and always seem to know when it’s right to make a major career move.  They handle transitions with apparent ease and grace and continue to advance through the ranks.  Unfortunately, that isn’t the average biography of a working class employee.  Insecurities, loyalties, unfamiliarity with current industry climates can all be factors that keep people trudging away on their perpetual hamster wheel in jobs they do not love.  But how do you know if you’re only stressed for the moment, temporarily burnt out and needing a break, or ready to move on in your field and career? 

More than anything, you should always trust your gut.  You know in your mind and heart if you’re in a place where you are thriving and happy.  Consider that each week you’re investing 40 hours, the majority of your time.  Is it worth the time invested?  Do you look forward to work?  Are the stresses small in comparison to the achievements?  Or do they overpower your days and experiences?  There are a few questions to ask yourself if you’re struggling to decide if you’re burnt out, or ready to be fueled by a career change.

Are you passionate?

Are you motivated each day by what you’re trading hours for to earn dollars? If you’re finding a decline in your productivity and an increase in your boredom, you’re probably not pursuing a path that is utilizing your skills and energy effectively.  It may be time to consider polishing up your resume and LinkedIn profile to seek potential job prospects.

Are you thriving?

Your employer is making a financial investment in you.  If they want to protect and maximize on their investment, they’ll understand the value of increased and refined skill sets.  You should be learning and growing in your position.  If you’re not learning new things, you should be honing in on skills and improving consistently.  A quality manager should be coaching you along this path of learning and growth.  You should have the opportunity for consistent assessment and constructive feedback.   If you do not, and your company is unwilling to invest in your progress, you may be doing yourself and your industry as a whole a disservice by remaining in your current role. 

Are you advancing?

Have you been at your job three years or more with no advancement or promotion?  That may be a strong indicator your current position is not the right fit for you.  You should have opportunity for advancement and growth instead of remaining stagnant.

Are you being sought after?

Don’t diminish the value of being contacted by headhunters, especially if it’s happening often.  If you have your profile updated and you’re frequently being approached by headhunters, it may be a sign that you’re industry is hot and they are looking for quality candidates to fill positions.  With some assistance in your job search, you may wind up on a far more rewarding and challenging career path.

If your answer to these questions is not a resounding yes, you may want to explore a different path.  Contact RJ Byrd today at 214-343-1700, we’ll help you explore your options for upper level management, information technology, finance and accounting.  We look forward to hearing from you!
